Social Work Jobs in Co Kerry
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Programme Facilitator - Weavery
- Co Kerry | Mar 25, 2021 Camphill Communities of Ireland
- Camphill Communities of Ireland - Co Kerry - To manage and lead inclusive workshops, training and social role opportunities for participants by supporting and working
Social Work Team Leader - Kerry Swtlky2020
- Co Kerry | Sep 29, 2020 External Recruiter
- External Recruiter - Co Kerry - Please note that this advertisement is being hosted by the Public Appointments Service on The Public Appointments Service h...
Youth Work Assistant - Kdys Castleisland - Ce Scheme - Kerry Diocesan Youth Service
- Co Kerry | Sep 14, 2020
- Castleisland, Co Kerry - Eligibility to participate on CE is generally linked to those who are 21 years or over and in receipt of a qualifying social welfare payment for